Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back From the Sticks

So there is still absolutely nothing like being out in the wilderness. No internet or phone signal will turn most people away, but thats a good reason to go journey in the wilderness.  some of the workshops out at the festival were very cool.  i learned that you can make a hydrogen cutting torch with a battery, water, and some other doodads. Its also more effective then your general cutting torch because the hydrogen flame reacts to the material your cutting and changes the amount of heat to the ideal range to cut! as well as that cool effect with using this method another perk from the device is that the byproduct that is produced is structured water.

you can also make a super effective wind energy generator using a DC magnetic motor belted to bicycle wheel.  to help the wheel collect moving wind just add duck tape! You can seriously make allot with duct tape.

a good way to do a garden without tilling involves 5 layers of newspaper before winter and your seeds. the paper gets covered with snow and such kills off the grass/ plants in the area were you putting your garden and when planting season comes lay down composted soil and blammo you got a kick ass garden that you didn't have to spend hours tilling.

If you got a lawn by all means why not grow your own food for cheeper then it is you just go buy it. that way you know what went into what your eating.  all health problems start with what you ingest my friends. the more pesticides and fertilizers you eat the more unnatural chemicals you got in your diet and cells!

If you let your lawn grow itself including other things that are not grass you will attract more birds  then someone who tries to keep only grass. but what benefit do you have for only having grass next to nothing except a lawn full of a small plant that you can do somethings with but not much at all. most weeds have a use!  think of the meaning living off the land. Now a days people exploit the land, who likes being exploited? I sure don't why would our planet

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