Monday, September 21, 2009


I found the assigned reading very inspiring in a manner of perspectives I've never focused much on.
The concept of using images from a 3D source (such as a photo of a room) on top (or below) an image of a 2D surface (a piece of lined writing paper) creates a wonderful feel of layering on a level of its own.
In the past I've thought the layering system as a way to organize different elements in a way of what is underneath and what is on top.  Now I have a much stronger idea of how to use the concept of layering to  make compositions much stronger through the use of layering to were the layers harmonize with each other rather then just sit on top of one another.
       The chapter on transparency was as equally pleasing to read, in fact, it inspired me to make a transparency study in photoshop.  The fact that layering and transparency work hand in hand never

occurred to me for some reason until after the reading.
i look forward to hopefully applying these aspects to an upcoming assignment.


  1. JI, then you just might also really like it when we build 'transparency' designs by hand, sans-digital in Color, Drawing, & Form class coming up soon.

  2. Great post in that it sums up what you learned from the reading - but more so that you revealed to me that it inspired you to make something outside of an assignment.
