Tuesday, October 20, 2009

scher video

In the video we watched in class Scher talked about how new york inspired her work.
so i started focusing more on what kind of things were subconciously affecting my work being in kansas city.

Being a Graphic designer in Kansas City of all places is pretty inspiring. the environment in kansas city Westport area can be pretty inspiring at time but it doesn't really affect my ideas iterated in my designs. However for this project allot of my images i photographed are different perspectives I tend to take more then a few seconds then glance to notice. I always catch myself staring off at large parking garages, paint covered stair steps, and more then anything else textures. some of the textures of this city are older then probably everyone in studio combined. These stained concrete surfaces, muck covered ally walls, are beautiful compositions created by thousands upon thousands of people for a very large undetermined amount of years. thats the big difference from being in the suburbs and the city as well. This city is its own entity, it has created its own identity though the work of millions across time. especially West port, being older then kansas city and one of the last trading posts until the west coast at one point in time. This place holds many stories and to much history for any one person to focus on. I would say the sheer mass of history this place has is the most inspiring aspect for me.

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